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The Augmentation


Project Overview :


The Augmentation is a solo project where I aim to make several levels themed to different game genres and compile them into one ‘game’ package that can show my game and level design skills.


Each of the levels in The Augmentation follow a similar set of rules, they are levels that aim to teach the player new skills and give them a taste of different game genres.

I'm currently still working on this level a side project from my current work and I hope to have a live demo avaible for you soon!

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The World Overview :


The levels take place within a training simulation that trains people and teaches them new skills. The software is used in such industries as the police, security and army where they require training in stealth, firearms, combat and many other physical skills.


Each level aims to teach the person in the simulation several new skills based upon the genre they have selected.

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Stealth Level:


For this training simulation, new skills and techniques for stealth would be taught to the person in the simulation.



The levels use smart and fun level design to lure the player and give them a helping hand :


  • Catching the players eye with a landmark that stands out from everything else in the environment.

  • Lights on a road block flash in a sequence to help direct the player.

  • A flashing fire exit sign shines some light on the next path the player has to take while at the same time giving them assurance that they are heading the correct way.

  • Lights that shine on the enemies to project their shadow to show their path so the player can figure out the best direction to either avoid the enemy or encounter them.

  • Pipes that guide the player to their next location via a door.

  • Inside the landmark there are paths that are colour coded that lead to certain parts of the building, these allow the player to figure out where key items are and also explore without the hindrance of getting lost. These work well with the windows on some of the rooms as when combined they can help the player find important objects that allow them to progress through the level.

  • Grates / Vents placed around the building allow the player to look into rooms before they enter them so that they can assess the room and learn the layout before they enter. This gives them more time to make a plan on how to approach the enemies and achieve their objectives.

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Mechanics :

  • Ventilation system that allows the player to sneak around the building to avoid enemies and gain access to rooms to get key items as well as get passed locked/blocked doors.

  • The player carries a projectile weapon with them to break the security cameras around and inside the building. Getting caught by the cameras alerts the enemies to the players location, if the enemies find the player it’s game over and the simulation is restarted.

  • Stealth attacks allow the player to hunt down enemies and take them out quietly without being caught. This can be used simultaneously with the security cameras so the player can hide and lure the enemies out.

  • New skills are taught to the player through a short break in the level when they are travelling to the final area of the building. The player completes a puzzle to gain access to an elevator, on the trip to the top floor of the building the player is given instructions on some new stealth attacks they can use. The player is given the opportunity to put these moves into practice with the top floor is full of enemies and the potential to sneak around and lure them out to attack.

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© 2021 by Shaun Chapman.

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